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BioRegions International
P.O. Box 6541
Bozeman, MT 59771

(406) 599-7755 Email us »

Big Sky Country : Blue Sky Country

Our organization focuses efforts upon two globally significant landscapes: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Northern Mongolia.

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Where We Work:

What is a bioregion?

*An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

**An ecoregion is an area defined in terms of its natural features and environment.

A bioregion encompasses landscapes, natural processes and human elements as equal parts of a whole.

Bioregionalism is a view which uses knowledge of the regional ecology and culture to develop resiliency and encourage sustainability. BioRegions International supports community-based endeavors that are holistic and promote social and ecological integrity. We work in rural communities where the connection between the wellbeing of nature and humans is most immediate. Learn more about how we work »

Big Sky Country : Blue Sky Country

Our organization focuses efforts upon two globally significant landscapes: The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and Northern Mongolia. Although located half a world apart, these beautiful and ecologically intact bioregions share remarkably similar cultural values, economies and natural environments. They also face very similar challenges. This provides opportunities for communities to learn and grow from each other.